Change Process Management
Szkolenia dla kadry menedżerskiej
This training is dedicated to the managerial staff responsible for implementing changes within the organization. The workshop enables participants to plan the entire change process and provides an opportunity to test tools that will be effective in each stage.
Training outcomes for participants:
After implementing the knowledge and skills in their work environment, participants will be able to lead the change process in a way that minimizes resistance to change and provides support to their teams.
Training outcomes for the organization:
Through this training, the organization will have a prepared managerial staff capable of implementing changes according to the guidelines set by the Management Board.
- Mistakes in the Change Process
- Stages of the Change Process
- Planning the Change Process
- Persuasion for Change
- Dealing with Resistance to Change
simulation – video camera work, case study, discussion, quiz, presentation
Training Duration 16 hours
Training Format stationary training, online training